This is one of ten books from the 9Marks 'First Steps' series which is designed to help readers think through some of life’s big questions. It is specifically aimed at those from an unchurched background or with little or no bible knowledge. It is essentially a miniature, highly condensed systematic theology spread over nine short chapters exploring questions like ‘Who is God?’, ‘Who is God the Son?’, ‘Creation and Fall’, ‘Atonement and Election’ and others.

Each chapter is broken up into small, bite size sections which take the reader on a journey through each doctrine, drilling down into the truth by way of illustration from real-life examples, questions to be answered along the way, key verses or passages which highlight a teaching point to be read three times, bible verses to be memorised, and a succinct ‘What’s the point of this chapter’ summary at the end. This is a highly interactive, reflective and thoroughly practical book which will serve to ground and grow followers of Jesus.

Colin Macleod, Gairloch, Kinlochewe & Torridon Free Church