Awesome Cutlery is a range of songs and family devotions to ‘help families worship Jesus together’. The book ‘All Together Now’ is to be used in conjunction with a range of songs and is attractively produced. Each page is laid out in the same way: prayer, icebreaker, Bible verse, questions, challenge and then prayer.

The devotions are pitched at families and children with little or no Bible knowledge and may be a useful introduction to family devotions or as a steppingstone to resources with greater depth and substance. If you have several restless children who are struggling to sit still after a meal or just before bed these short devotions may well be ideal for you! The book will also be useful with younger children who have a shorter attention span and might only manage a few minutes. This would be an ideal book for new Christians seeking to start family devotions with their children or families with little or no history of family worship.

Andy Murray, Livingston Free Church