This new edition of John Downame’s 17th Century text is a timely publication from Reformation Heritage Books.

Downame is a perceptive analyst of the human state, and treats the topic of anger through a Biblical and practical approach. Though written nearly four centuries ago, this book cannot be read without the heart being convicted of sin! Downame considers anger in its entirety, both just and unjust. Just anger is a right response to the defamation of God’s glory in creation, and we are right to respond with anger in such cases. But just anger does not overtake the mind or the heart, unjust anger does. And this is the focus of the book.

Unjust anger leads us away from the things of God, to the selfish interests of our own fallen hearts. Downame diagnoses the problem, considers the causes and highlights the dangers (the ‘evil effects’) of untreated unjust anger, and mercifully offers the remedy for sin-sick souls. This is a welcome word to sinful hearts, and it is wonderfully written. Every assertion is swiftly backed up by Scripture, and historical examples are drawn from throughout God’s Word.

Unjust anger, to some extent, is a sin we all commit. This is a helpful and short book to help us challenge that sin, and to see the hope of healing found in the Gospel. I would encourage you to pick up a copy and dive in. Brian Hedges has edited this version into short, readable chapters, with footnotes explaining terms or phrases of a more archaic nature. Though the US spelling may stick out to some(!), this is a fantastic edition with a really helpful message.

This book is available to purchase from James A. Dickson Books.

Ed Creedy, Grace Church, Guildford