Books. Good books. Great books. Amazing books. Best of all, every single book is about our good, great and amazing God.

Do you love good books? We need your help.

The Free Church online bookshop is made possible (and affordable) by the tireless gospel work of our partners, 10ofthose. However, their business model prioritises getting good books into as many hands as possible, so they don't have much spare cash to cover a season like this. Much of their money is made during at Christian events, like our own camps and conferences, which leaves them needing help this year.

There are three big ways you can lend a hand, as their CEO, Jonathan Carswell, recently set out in this video. The gist of it is...

Number one: Keep buying books through our online shop. This shop is a partnership with 10ofthose, so the Free Church receives a percentage of the profits, but the rest is ploughed back into enabling 10ofthose to continue producing resources and selling them at their characteristic low prices – which we then benefit from. Shop online here.

Number two: Would you buy gift vouchers? If you buy more than £50 worth of vouchers, you will receive an additional 10% of the value to spend in the Autumn. Could you buy a gift voucher today? Available here.

Number three: Does your church buy stacks of books, whether to sell or for a children’s giveaway? If these have been delayed, could your church put credit on your account, committing in advance the money you usually spend on books and resources anyway? You can then spend the credit as you need it. However, if you were to put £1000 on your account today and didn’t use it until 1st September, you would received an additional £200 in credit on your account – as a way of saying thank you. Available here (use reference ‘Support’).

And if you don’t shop with us, but prefer to use Christian Focus, Banner of Truth, Faith Mission, Evangelical Bookshop, or one of the other good Christian booksellers? Well, don’t forget them either! Shop online if you can, or get in touch with them to find out how you can offer support. We’re all in this together!

Miriam Montgomery, Free Church Books