None of us can have avoided the cost of living crisis - at the checkout and on the news. Most of us are blessed with resources enough to cope with increased costs, but all too many families are simply not. In ‘Grace and the Grumblies’, young readers are introduced to Grace and her mum, and the superheroic efforts they make to keep the ‘grumblies’ at bay.

It is a children’s book about dignity, poverty and the support available to those who need it. It has been published by CAP (Christians Against Poverty) to explain its work and help take the fear and misunderstanding out of asking for help. It is delightful, sensitive, and a story every church and every child should read. Even if CAP doesn’t have a base in your town, you will have similar foodbanks and charities that work with the vulnerable. Jesus loves the poor and the downtrodden, and this book aims to offer that love to the families who need it most – and start conversations amongst the groups who can share it.

This book is available from

Miriam Montgomery, Free Church Books