Eryl Davies’ aim in ‘Not Uninformed’ is to provide both Christians and non-Christians with a range of information relating to the often-avoided subject of death. In doing so, he draws widely from sources including books by Christian authors, research findings, personal testimonies, works of literature and his own pastoral experience. All of these strands are measured against the truth of Scripture in order to emphasise the hope that the Christian has in Christ.

Evident throughout is Eryl Davies’ vast experience as a minister, theological college lecturer and principal as he clearly desires to equip church leaders to support those facing death or experiencing bereavement. Readers, according to their particular circumstances, will find some sections of this book more useful than others. For example, from my own family’s experience, I would have appreciated more discussion on aspects of palliative care.

Nevertheless, the great comfort remains that ‘neither death nor life…will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord’ (Romans 8:39). This book, although uneven and at times overly anecdotal, gives the reader much to consider and serves as a stimulus to delve more deeply into the topics dealt with by the author.

This book is available to purchase from Mound Books.

Gari Lewis, Tabernacle Welsh Baptist, Llwynhendy