This title is part of the ‘Grace Essentials’ series and is an abridgment of the classic book by Thomas Goodwin (1600-1681) based on the words of Psalm 85.8, ‘I will listen to what God the LORD says; he promises peace to his people, his faithful servants- but let them not return to folly’.

In three short chapters, each addressing a specific stanza in the verse, and thirteen short sections overall, Goodwin explores and expounds the theology of prayer with much pastoral wisdom and great winsomeness succinctly and clearly. Emphasis is placed on how to approach God, how to anticipate and respond to answered prayer and also the critical importance of ‘not returning to foolishness’ when prayer is answered. With a pastoral heart Goodwin ends the short book with a word of encouragement to those who do fall back into the same sins and with a wonderful balance of warning and warmth gives every encouragement to repent: ‘If love for God has been strongly planted in our lives, that will stir us to holiness of life and hatred of sin’. So much has been packed into such a few pages; this is very much about quality rather than quantity and worth pouring over and pondering much.

This book is available to purchase from Mound Books.

Colin Macleod, Gairloch, Kinlochewe & Torridon Free Church