In an age when books often vie with digital content for our attention, ‘The Generosity Project’ harnesses the best of both to offer a small group study that is designed to enlarge our heart for others and for God. Curated by Tony Payne and Geoff Robson, this resource weaves together the wisdom of six Bible teachers in video and book format to form six studies on generosity.

Bible studies on generosity often begin and end with money, but ‘The Generosity Project’ seeks to do something more. It is about building community and changing attitudes, so that our generosity becomes a character trait that encompasses our finances and so much more. Deeply rooted in the Bible, this is a great study for any leadership team or small group. The book can be used without the videos, but I would definitely recommend watching the videos too. In fact, I’d even say that its mixed media format makes this book uniquely well-suited to our current ‘distanced’ situation, as groups can choose to read/watch separately and come together online for the discussion questions, or take advantage of screen-sharing software to watch the videos together.

It isn’t easy to think about generosity at a time when resources are stretched to a record level, both financially and spiritually. But sometimes, it’s just when we feel we have nothing left to give that we are most receptive to new perspectives. And what better way to prepare for a more generous future ahead than to start exploring it now?

Miriam Montgomery, Free Church Books