This is an excellent book which addresses a key issue in society today; that of identity. Fretwell ably addresses the underlying causes of modern confusion regarding identity and also the inherent contradictions in their philosophical underpinnings. He then uses the rest of the book to give a clear exposition of the biblical basis for our human and Christian identities using the headings “I am…created…flawed…redeemed…loved…adopted…called.”

The book is written in an easy style using a wide range of sources to illustrate his points from Richard Dawkins to ‘Les Miserables’ to the Nuremberg trials. It would be useful for Christians of all ages to enable them to get a clearer understanding of the issues and to give clear answers when asked by unbelievers. It would be especially beneficial for teenagers to help them navigate the increasingly treacherous waters that surround identity in society today.

Duncan MacPherson, North Harris Free Church