Guy Waters is one of the best theological writers in Reformed theology today, and he proves that again in this very helpful volume about the doctrine of Scripture. Waters defends the tradition Reformed view that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, which is infallible, inerrant, and authoritative for God’s people. As in all his writings, Waters shows himself to be a first-class biblical scholar through the calibre of his exegesis, but also to be incredibly well informed about discussions in systematic theology. That balanced blend is rare, but much appreciated in this case.

The strength of this volume is its firmly traditional stance, but awareness of contemporary issues. Waters does not superficially reassert the confessional view of Scripture, but effectively argues that position over and against the challenges of modernity.

The first two chapters outline the doctrine of revelation. Waters helpfully explains that revelation includes general and special aspects. God reveals himself in nature, which is general, but we also need him to speak to us to explain other truths that we cannot know by nature. That is why we have the Bible. After several chapters explaining the attributes of Scripture, Waters addresses two more recent challenges: the views of Karl Barth and Peter Enns.

This book is the clearest and most thorough introduction to the doctrine of Scripture in print. It is a wonderfully helpful book, and it will be useful as a rich introduction or a thorough refresher.

This book is available to purchase from Christian Focus Publications.

Harrison Perkins, London City Presbyterian Church