Glen's second volume of daily Bible readings takes the reader through the New Testament in a series of short devotions. Once again the theme of the book seems not to be a daily application, but rather a repeated exposure of the truthof Christ at the heart of the text. You can see that Glen has spent time in both the Old Testament (for Volume 1 - read my review here), and the New, as each study is richly infused with Scripture, with links and citations made clear throughout.

I particularly enjoy how Glen adds variety to his devotions. Some have different structures, broken down into short sections, others require the reading of an OT passage alongside the focal text of the day. This, combined with his constant use of pictorial language, succeeds in keeping the reader engaged throughout. The Word of the Lord is living and exciting, but so often we find our Quiet Times the exact opposite of that. I found Glen's 'Reading Between the Lines' a joy to read. In his introduction, he suggests that the book is an encouragement to listen to God's voice through his Word. When in doubt, encourages Glen: "read Scripture not Scrivener!" This big book of short devotions helpfully points away from itself,and towards Christ, through the careful exposition of God's living Word.

Volumes 1 & 2 are available to purchase as a twin pack from Free Church Books.

Ed Creedy, St Andrews Free Church