‘Tackling Trauma’ is a book containing twenty chapters written by various contributors, which gives it a freshness from chapter to chapter. One chapter contains personal experience, whereas the next has exegesis of scripture and application. Personally, as a church planter in an area where people have suffered a large amount of trauma, this book has been beneficial. As we know, everyone is carrying some trauma in their lives, from the small “a beloved pet dying” to the more profound sorrow of a spouse or child passing.

Trauma has different depths and differing impacts on individuals. Christians must engage with trauma, because as this book helpfully expresses: ‘Spiritualizing or denying that traumatic events exist is like icing a rotten cake.’ (pg. 126). Therefore, this book may help the reader engage more robustly with those who have experienced trauma. However, this book is not just about equipping the reader to understand others pain but may shine a light on your own heart and trauma. With this in mind, it may not be the most appropriate book for someone who is walking through trauma right now.

This book is available to purchase from Langham Publishing.

Chris Davidson, Merkinch Free Church