Hannah Stone starts this mega booklet with her own story. She is a committed Christian, so underpins the story with an explanation of what faith in God looks like despite all the challenges she has lived through.To be told at the age of 19 that you have a life-threatening cancer requiring immediate treatment is surely one of the hardest situations to deal with, but Hannah not only dealt with it, she lived it joyfully. How did she do that? To begin with she had a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and his Father that enabled her to look at death in the face and not fear dying. Secondly, her relationship with her family allowed her to be honest about everything that came into her head.

There is much to be said about writing on such a sensitive subject as cancer when the author has first-hand experience. Hannah has written with insight and wisdom, opening up her heart to those who have been given a similar diagnosis. She does not give answers that dismiss personal feelings but instead directs them to the greatest physician on earth and heaven.

This booklet is available to purchase from DayOne.

Ruth Aird, ETS