Acts is itself a page-turner as it recalls in vivid and dramatic language the growth of the Christian Church in the years after Christ’s ascension. Harry Uprichard provides portraits of the main big characters in Acts: The Ethiopian eunuch, Lydia, Felix, Festus, Agrippa, the Philippian jailer and, of course, Paul. The strengths of this book are that it is concise whilst avoiding superficiality. It could be read easily on a Sunday afternoon or during one long holiday beach outing. It sticks to the text like a limpet and looks at issues which arise from the passage. An unusual feature is the engagement with both the Westminster Confession and the Catechisms. It is well-written and engaging, clearly in a sermonic style. Weaknesses are the lack of interaction with more current issues, reflected in a bibliography limited to older works. Old is good but a mixed economy has broader effectiveness.

One of the commendations states that it may be used in ‘winning over non-Christians.’ God is sovereign, but the book will be more readily understood and appreciated by the mature and discerning reader. This is no reflection on the author but on the increasing secularism of the culture and the dumbing down of the Church. One final note: in an age where it is simply assumed that a baptistic position is the default stance of evangelicalism this book maintains the position of covenant baptism. This middle-aged curmudgeon enjoyed it and commends it.

This is book is available to purchase from ICM Books Direct.

David Meredith, Free Church Mission Director