Godly and effective church leaders are vital to the health of any local church. Thus, training church leaders must be a priority in every church to ensure that our leaders are equipped and competent for service. In The Grid, Adrian Reynolds has done an excellent job in writing a very easy-to-read and easy-to-use practical guide to assist church leaders in thinking through (1) the biblical necessity of training church leaders and (2) helping us think through how we may review and assess church leaders.  In the first part of the book, Reynolds answers why training is so important and, in the second part, he kindly gifts us a guide to plan and evaluate our training priorities. The beauty of Reynold’s Grid is that he sees his book not as a silver bullet to our problems but as a discussion tool that can help to set priorities for church leaders.  The advantage of The Grid is that it can be easily adapted to suit any church context, so I personally think this book would be ideal for any ministry team, Kirk Session, and Deacons’ Court to use.

Andy Longwe, Cumbernauld Free Church