This is a brilliant little book about a mind-blowingly big subject. It is all about heaven. But in particular, Thomas reminds us that the biblical promise is not that we will spend our time sitting on clouds and playing harps. The promise is a new heaven and a new earth; a renewed creation where the world in which we live now will be transformed. It will be free from the curse of sin and restored to everything that it was originally made to be.

The book touches on many issues that we don’t often talk about; what happens when we die, what heaven (before the Second Coming) will be like, and then what we should expect when Jesus returns and afterwards once the whole of creation is renewed. One of the best parts of the book is that it raises (and almost always tries to answer) very practical questions about the new creation. Will we know each other? Thomas says yes. Will we eat there? Yes again. Will there be music, art and literature? Absolutely. Will there be dogs?! Yes, he actually asks that question, but you’ll have to read the book yourself to get the answer!

These questions are great because a) we all think about them but are probably too shy to ask, and b) the answers emphasise what an exciting prospect it is to be spending eternity with Jesus in his amazing new creation. And that is really the best part of the whole book. It is a reminder that, for the Christian, the best is yet to come, and at the heart of that is the fact that we will spend eternity together worshipping, serving and enjoying our perfect Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Thomas Davis, Carloway Free Church