Guy M. Richard introduces this book as an opportunity for him to explain the Presbyterian beliefs about baptism in a way which is quick and accessible, while giving more depth then would be possible in a quick chat after the service. He achieves this goal very successfully.

The book begins with the most fundamental question, ‘What is Baptism?’ and the answers to more specific questions are then built on this foundation. This helps Dr. Richard address the question many people will be asking as they pick up this book, ‘Why do some churches baptise infants?’ by explaining baptism in connection with the big picture and covenant structure of the bible.

The book ends with a really helpful and encouraging chapter on why all this matters, and the great privilege baptism is as a covenant sign of the eternal promises of an unchanging God. A helpful and short read for those asking questions or seeking clarity on what baptism is all about.

This book is available to purchase from Amazon.

Ali Sewell, Haddington Community Church