‘Gràs’, by Myles Campbell himself, is a stream of poetry focused on creation and the consequences of the fall. Each uplifting poem gives thanks for various aspects of creation but is followed almost by a reply, telling of some aspect of our fallen earth. This chimes with the believer’s experience of life - we praise God for his mercies but our heart breaks to see his creation groan. I found this collection the most enjoyable as it reminded me again of the beauty of creation and that we live in hope despite its’ decay.

Also available in the same series are ‘An Iolaire’ and ‘Iolair, Brù-dhearg, Giuthas’. These three short books are published in the same format and style, each with an English translation on the opposite page throughout the book.

This book is available to purchase from Sanctus Media.

Christine Coghill, Knockbain Free Church