If you had asked the apostle Paul, “What is a Spirit-filled community like?” he would have said, “Full of singing to the Lord, for starters!” (See Ephesians 5:18, 19) With the nearness of our saviour ought to come an outpouring of joy and adoration to him through song. Charles Haddon Spurgeon believed the same — he wrote, “My God is ever near, and therefore I will sing.”

This collection of psalms and hymns reflects Spurgeon’s heart for worship through song, and ultimately his heart for Christ. It is perhaps a long-lost habit for believers to warm their hearts for Christ at the fires of the Church’s old songs, even in private devotion. 'Spurgeon’s Own Hymn Book' may provide any follower of Christ fuel for that fire, with the thematically-organised selection of hymns from the Church’s masters, such as Ralph Erskine, Horatius Bonar, William Cowper, Isaac Watts, John Rippon (such as the lovely Hymn no. 196 — “Awake, my soul, in joyful lays!”), and dozens more.

For use in corporate or private worship, this new edition of 'Our Own Hymn Book' contains an index of tunes (easy to look up online for those unfamiliar by name), by subject, by Scripture, and by author. And particularly delightful in private devotional use, the editors have included occasional comments throughout the book, documenting such things as notable occasions when various hymns were sung, and what effect they had.

The Church has always had need of her songbook, and Christians have always been those with a song of praise on their lips. I commend to you this volume, and suggest that you let these Christ-centred hymns soak into your soul. For God is ever near!

This book is available to purchase from Christian Focus.

Jon Watson, St Columba's Free Church, Edinburgh