I was really excited to read this book. The idea of repentance leading to deeper relationships is one that I longed to know more about, and the book is engaging from the very beginning. The writer clearly has a deep heart for Jesus and for the fellowship of those who believe in Him.

This is really a book of two halves. Chapters 2-5 are a detailed biblical exposition of what repentance really is, whilst chapters 1, 6 and 7 are deeply personal explorations of how it can and should make you more Christ-like, through searing honesty in the context of affection and trust. The time spent on Biblical grounding is solid investment which will be especially useful to the reader who doesn’t fully understand quite how important seeking forgiveness is to the Christian life. As a Christian with some knowledge beforehand, however, I found these chapters a touch dull at times.

Chapters 1, 6 and 7, by contrast, had me hooked. I have the privilege of being part of a women’s Bible study in my church, and so many of the blessings those women have given me I found detailed in these chapters. There is quite simply nothing like living the real, unvarnished truth of life with other Christians you can trust and love. At its best, it is what the disciples had with Jesus, and it showed.

Coming to me as it did in the midst of lockdown, this book was just the reassuring reminder I needed that God’s design for his church is deep community and lasting friendships, with Him and with each other. I missed those relationships more because of this book, but I definitely appreciated them more too. The Biblical teaching is detailed and true, and the relational encouragement builds on it to offer a genuinely moving message.

Miriam Montgomery, Free Church Books