Specifically written for pre-teen girls, this beautifully crafted book engagingly teaches that trusting God relates even to how we view and treat our bodies. Describing each young reader as a mystery and a marvel herself, the author creatively frames the teaching as evidence to investigate within a series of “cases” (e.g. “The Case of the Sneaky Lie”, “The Case of the Ridiculous Pig”) following “clues” straight from scripture.

This is essentially practical theology for girls where foundational truths – being made in God’s image, the marring of sin (“There is no broken bone, scar, or pimple that is nearly as ugly, nearly as broken as the hearts we are born with”), the true beauty of Christ and much more – are carefully explored with personal applications and popular culture references relevant to a child’s understanding. With its attractive presentation, 'A Beautiful Mystery' could be an excellent resource for helping to guide any pre-teen girl in her first steps towards maturity. The author also recommends parental engagement with the reading, viewing the book foremost as “a tool to help you fulfil your God-given roles as mothers and fathers.”

This book is available to purchase from Christian Focus.

Gayle Maynard, King's Church, Edinburgh