'Choosing Love' is a true gift appropriate for girls between the ages of 12-18, but could be equally instructive for an adult seeking gentle discipleship in this area and prepared to listen again as a child. Like its clever title, the book may be read in at least two ways. First, it is a biblically based reminder of the priority which God has placed on loving intentionally in all of our relationships: ‘The way we treat the people in our lives matters more than we can possibly imagine’. The author debunks the misconception that love is only a feeling and teaches with examples that real love asks ‘What can I do to love this person like Jesus?’

The other reading of the title deals, of course, with core issues surrounding choosing one’s mate. There is wise counsel here and much that will encourage young hearts to shape their desires in the right way from early, including a standout chapter on biblical expressions of covenant which brings to life the wondrous security of true commitment. 'Choosing Love' is composed of 11 short chapters each followed by questions for discussion and reflection. In conversational style and with an honest, engaging tone, Heidi Johnston effectively handles weighty matters without heaviness and there is a sense of being invited further into the fullness of God’s Story.

Gayle Maynard, King's Church, Edinburgh & ETS