This book is intended to provide serious seekers the answers to the key and crucial questions about the Christian faith. The author does this through posing 70 questions which are grouped around the features of a house which someone is thinking of buying. The reader is invited to journey through the house checking out the structure of each area before coming to a decision whether or not to buy. So the reader considers questions which represent the foundations of the house, the roof, the garden and the various rooms in the house. Foundational questions without which the structural integrity of the house would be seriously undermined are asked; questions like ‘what is a Christian?’, ‘who is God?’, ‘what is the Bible?’ and then the reader walks through other rooms such as the study where deep thought and reflection goes on and questions like ‘who is Jesus?’, ‘was he for real?’ and ‘what is meant by Trinity and is it important?’ are asked. If you were to think of this book as an Estate Agent giving a viewing of a house I would say this is very thorough, methodical and comprehensive.

This book is available to purchase from DayOne.

Colin Macleod, Gairloch, Kinlochewe & Torridon Free Church