Part of the ‘First Steps Series' aimed at those new to the Christian life, this book is designed for individuals, one–to-ones and small groups. It’s a very accessible book, which clearly applies the call of the book of Proverbs - to seek wisdom - to the life of a new convert from the Schemes; ‘Gary’. In an engaging and easy-to-read style, Andy Prime has done an admirable job of drawing out the implications for Gary. This could mean that the universal call to listen to God’s wisdom above all other voices might be less clear to those coming from a more comfortable middle-class background, for whom some of the applications could seem remote. It would be good to have a comparable book with equally pointed applications for those coming from comfortable suburbia! Nevertheless, the content is excellent. The series as a whole could be profitably read both by new believers and others wanting to go ‘back to basics’.
Benjamin Wilks, Covenant Church, Newmilns