In this book, 'Annie’ gives a short introduction to her life, how she became a Christian, a Missionary and how she ended up working with MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) in Tanzania as a mechanic!

Life in Tanzania soon became home or the ‘new normal’ as she called it. Life had its ups and downs, but throughout her life there God was her source of strength, joy, comfort and it was to Him that she constantly turned for direction. Her bout of malaria and subsequent ME did not deter her from obeying God’s will for her and carrying out the work at hand.

For me though, the beauty of her story of her life unfolds in the last few chapters of the book and as she returns to Scotland, marries, and though she becomes ill, her personality and the grace of God in her life shine through as seen in the lovely tribute her husband writes of her at the end.

This book is available to purchase from MAF.

Fiona M. Talbot, Plockton & Kyle Free Church